Kecepatan panda dikirimkan
Jepang FAQ
Pertanyaan Teratas
PandaRemit provides convenient and affordable remittance services
1.How much can I remit?
2.What methods can I use to pay for a remittance order?
3.How long does it take to send money to China?
4.Why is the handling fee for PandaRemitway only 800 yen?
5.Can I transfer money from China to Japan?
PandaRemit helps you to send your love home
1.How does the payee collect money?
2.Which banks accept the payment of PandaRemit?
3.Why do I need to provide my payee's ID card?
4.Can I send money directly to Alipay or WeChat account?
5.Does the remittance take up the payee's settlement amount?
How to protect your remittance safely with PandaRemit
1.How does PandaRemit provide security for my information?
PandaRemit easily transfers money to China in four steps
1.What do I need to prepare before remittance?
2.What is the difference between a personal number notification card and a personal number card?
3.How long does it usually take for the remitter identity review?
4.Can I provide tax refund certificate after successful remittance?
5.What circumstances will cause the remittance to fail?
6.How will my payment be processed after the remittance fails?
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